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Member Benefits

Members of AADMM experience community, leadership and connection.

Benefits are tailored to membership level and interests. Benefits for all members include:

  • Professional networking opportunities
  • Educational resources
  • Discounts on registration fees for educational events, professional certification, and resources
  • Online discussion forums
  • Newsletter

All Membership Benefits

The Benefits:





Background Check Certified X X
Directory listing for Find A DMM X X
Non-directory website listing X X
Association voting privilege X X X
Eligible to become a board member X X (one
per firm)
Eligible to participate on committees X X X
Attend live webinars X X X X
Access archived webinars X X X
Discounts on educational events and books X X X X
Receive and contribute to the quarterly newsletter X X X X
Access to online forums X X X X
Participation in regional groups/chapters (fee may apply) X X X x
Access to Business Basics &
Business Accelerator courses
Annual conference discounts X X X X
Marketing materials and forms X X X
Corporate partner discounts X X When
Additional member discount X
Emeritus designation eligible X



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