Certification Period
The CDMM certification is valid for three years. Certification periods are listed on your CDMM certificate, and within the Continuing Education Tracker.
When to Recertify
A certification expiration reminder is sent to each CDMM one year prior to the expiration date of their certification period.
The application, fee and CEU hours must be received by 30 days prior to the expiration date to avoid certification expiration. Not meeting this timeline could result in the expiration of your certification.
Certification Renewal Requirements
To recertify, you will need to:
- Submit a Completed CDMM Recertification Application
- Pay the CDMM Recertification Fee
- Obtain 20 Approved Continuing Education Units
- Provide Proof of Continuing Education Units
1. Recertification Application
A recertification application must be properly completed to renew the CDMM certification.
CDMM renewal applications must be submitted 30 days prior to your expiration deadline. You may still obtain CEU hours up until your deadline, just be sure to include the course information with your recertification application. Once the course is completed, submit in the Certificate of Attendance.
2. Recertification Fee
The fee is $150 for AADMM members and $200 for nonmembers for the three-year period. The certification fee is non-refundable, and AADMM’s acceptance of a fee payment does not guarantee or imply that an individual’s certification will be renewed. All renewal requirements must be completed by the renewal deadline to renew your CDMM certification.
3. Continuing Education Units
Twenty (20) credit hours of continuing education in acceptable courses, programs or activities are required for recertification. One credit hour consists of 50 or 60 minutes of participation in an approved course or program. Hours can only be earned during your current certification period and any hours over the required number are not eligible to be rolled over to the next certification year.
You are eligible to earn CEU credits after you have received your certification packet from AADMM. Your certificate will list the dates you are eligible to earn CEU credits.
The CDMM Certification Board will consider approving courses and programs offered by other organizations for CEUs provided they meet the recertification content outline. See the CDMM outside CEU Application.
If the 20 credits cannot be completed in the required time due to extenuating circumstances a CDMM must send a letter (mail, fax or email) to the CDMM Certification Board within 30 days from their expiration date explaining the circumstance which prevents compliance. For more information and detailed instructions, see Non-Compliance with Renewal Requirements.
If you intend to use outside course credits toward your recertification, submit the CDMM outside CEU application to the business office PRIOR to recertification to avoid delays in processing and/or loss of certification if courses are deemed unacceptable.
The certification does accept ½ credits in the measure of 30 to 50 minutes of participation. Anything less than 30 minutes will not be accepted. The required continuing education hours are:
- 2 credit hours in Ethics issues
- 10 credit hours in Payroll, Finance, Bookkeeping and Bill Paying
- 8 credit hours in Standards of Practice & Types of Expenses
4. Proof of Continuing Education Units
CDMMs must submit proof of completion of the required continuing education units with their applications.
Two options are available to help you with this requirement:
- The Online Continuing Education Tracking system
- Do-It-Yourself using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
CEU Tracking System
The Continuing Education Units tracking system helps you track your certification status and maintain certificates. Any courses sponsored by AADMM as well as Outside Continuing Education Course submitted for approval will be automatically updated online in the CEU tracking system.
Please review all OCEA courses being utilized for recertification. If proof of attendance is not submitted with the Outside Continuing Education Application, the course title line will list the event as “pending”; however, those hours will be applied to your total calculated hours, but will not be accepted until proof of attendance is provided. You may include the certificate of attendance with or any time prior to your recertification date. Please remember to print off your application approval certificate so it can be properly matched in the system.
When logged into the tracking system, there is a section listing the hours completed for each education type. Select the education type and it will provide a list of the courses used to complete this topic. Please print off that page and do so for each of the education types to include with your other recertification documentation. Still include courses that are pending approval by writing the events at the bottom of the corresponding education type to which they apply.
Continuing Education Units (CEU) Tracking Sheet
Not everyone wants to use the online CEU tracking system, so the option of an Excel Tracking Spreadsheet where you complete the sheet listing each course taken, date, and how many CEUs were assigned and in what category is also available. Include courses/programs whose approval is still pending. Submit the tracking sheet along with all other recertification documentation.
How to Obtain Outside CEU Credits
The CDMM Certification Board will consider approving courses and programs offered by other organizations
- Submit the CDMM Outside CEU Application and other documents as specified on the application for each course within 60 days after taking the course. Applications received after 60 days will not be approved.
- Applications may be sent for approval before the course takes place. To receive the CEU, send a signed Proof of Attendance Form within 60 days of the course date.
- Notification of approval will be sent via email and approval certificates will be added to the online CEU Tracking System.
- Outside Continuing Education Approval (OCEA) Certificates are your documentation that the course was approved, and will state if poof of attendance was received or is still required.
- You may submit a Proof of Attendance Form for any OCEA at any time to be updated in the online CEU Tracking system. A generic Proof of Attendance Form is available for use at any event if the sponsor does not provide proof of attendance.
- When submitting the signed generic Proof of Attendance Form for a pre-approved CEU following completion of the course, include a copy of the OCEA certificate from the Tracking system.
Questions? Contact certification@aadmm.com
The following words and terms, when used in this section, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
CEU – Continuing Education Unit – A unit for measuring credit hours of continuing education. One CEU equals 1 credit hour.
Credit hour – A unit of measure equaling 50 to 60 minutes of participation in an approved continuing education course or program. The certification does accept ½ credits in the measure of 30 to 50 minutes of participation. Anything less is not acceptable.
Continuing Education Partner – A company who has been pre-approved to offer CDMMs courses/programs.
OCEA – Outside Continuing Education Application – the application utilized to submit non-AADMM sponsored events for CDMM education hours.