State Agencies
Agencies and non-profit organizations who provide pro-bono or reduced fee services to the elderly, disabled and others with limited financial means.
Volunteer Outreach State Agency Information
Name of Program: Personal Budget Assistance: Pima Council on Aging
Contact Name: Bernie Bennett
8467 E. Broadway
Tucson, AZ 85710
Phone number: 520-790-0504
Email: BBennett@pcoa.org
Website: www.pcoa.org
For eligibility and income requirements visit the website.
Name of Program: The Bayview Hunters Point Multipurpose Senior Services, Inc.
Contact Name: Jay Egger
1250 LaSalle Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124
Phone Number: 415-826-4774
Email: jegger@usa.net
Eligibility Requirements: Resident of San Francisco, some financial limits and we aim for seniors but will take anyone over 18 that is disabled, especially veterans
How to apply: Referral forms, usually from another agency, APS and lately, from apartment operators requiring a third-party payer to guarantee the rent is paid.
Name of Program: Life Steps Foundation
Contact Name: Sterling Daley
PO Box 1646
Morro Bay, CA 93443
Phone Number: 800-530-5433
Website: www.lifestepsfoundation.org/
Name of Program: Opportunity West – Assist in Management Program
Contact Name: Patricia Cain
598 Nevin Avenue
Richmond, CA 94801
Phone Number: 510-236-5812
Fax: 510-236-5815
Email: opportunitywestmw@sbcglobal.net
Name of Program: Diablo Valley Foundation for the Aging
Contact Name: Marie Lichauco
1936 Tice Valley Boulevard
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
Phone Number: 925-945-8040
Fax Number: 925-945-8025
Email: marie@dv-fa.org
Eligibility Requirements: Our program only covers central Contra Costa County. There is a similar program in Richmond, CA for West Contra Costa County. We follow AARP eligibility requirements.
How to apply: Referrals generally over the phone from social workers, adult protective service workers, concerned neighbors, nursing home administrators and family members.
Name of Program: New Opportunities Money Management Program
Name of Program: New Opportunities Money Management Program
Contact Name: Melissa Zwang, Director of RSVP & Money Management
232 Elm St.
Waterbury, CT 06702
Email: mzwang@newopportunities.org
Eligibility Requirements: Age 60 years or older, or disabled and resident in one of the towns under their jurisdiction. There are additional requirements.
Income Requirements: There are income requirements.
How to apply: In most cases application starts with a referral form from the person making the referral. Persons interested in making a referral or applying for themselves should contact Melissa Zwang.
Name of Program: RSVP Money Management Program
Contact Name: Josephine Lifrieri, MMP Coordinator
1 Long Wharf Dr.
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone Number: 203-752-3059
Email: jlifrieri@aoascc.org
Website: www.aoapartnerships.org
Eligibility Requirements: Income and Asset limits are single person $44.950 and two-person household $51,350. Liquid assets amount equal to the annual income limit. Adults age 60+ (younger and disabled (on Social Security Disability).
How to apply: Contact the program coordinator by phone or email.
Name of Program: The Senior Connection
Contact Name: Sue Dollins, Executive Director
3950 Ferrara Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20906
Phone Number: 301 962-0820
Fax Number: 301 962-0892
Email: seniorconnectionmc@gmail.com
Website: www.seniorconnectionmc.org
Eligibility Requirements: Resident of Montgomery County, MD and Age 62 years or older
Income Requirements: Must show proof of low income
How to apply: Contact Sue Dollins, Executive Director at the contact information above
Name of Program: Eldercare Alliance/Ethos
555 Amory Street
Boston, MA 02130
Phone Number: 617-522-6700
Fax Number: 617-524-2899
Website: www.ethocare.org/
Name of Program: Hale Bernard Corporation
273 Clarendon Street
Boston, MA 02116
Phone Number: 617-536-3726
Fax Number: 617-536-7480
Website: www.halebarnard.org/
Name of Program: South Shore Elder Services
1515 Washington Street
Braintree, MA 02184
Phone Number: 781-848-3910
Fax Number: 781-843-8279
Website: www.sselder.org/
Name of Program: Old Colony Elder Services
144 Main Street
Brockton, MA 02301
Phone Number: 508-584-1561
Fax Number: 508-897-0031
Website: https://www.ocesma.org/
Name of Program: Minuteman Senior Services
Contact Name: Brenda Ferriero
26 Crosby Drive Third Avenue
Bedford, MA 01730
Phone Number: 781-272-7177
Fax Number: 781-229-6190
Website: www.minutemansenior.org/
Name of Program: North Shore Elder Services
300 Rosewood Dr., Suite 200
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone Number: 978-750-4540
Fax Number: 978-750-6949
Website: www.nselder.org/
Name of Program: Tri-Valley Inc.
10 Mill Street
Dudley, MA 01571
Phone Number: 508-949-6640
Fax Number: 508-949-6651
Website: www.trivalleyinc.org/
Name of Program: Klaus Highland Valley Elder Services, Inc.
320 Riverside Drive
Suite B
Florence, MA 01062
Phone Number: 413-586-2000
Fax Number: 413-584-7076
Website: www.highlandvalley.org/
Name of Program: SeniorCare, Inc.
5 Blackburn Center
Gloucester, MA 01930
Phone Number: 978-281-1750
Fax Number: 978-281-1753
Website: www.seniorcareinc.org
Name of Program: WestMass ElderCare
4 Valley Mill Road
Holyoke, MA 01040
Phone Number: 413-538-9020
Fax Number: 413-538-6258
Website: www.wmeldercare.org
Name of Program: Elder Services of Merrimack Valley
280 Merrimack Street, Suite 400
Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone Number: 978-683-7747
Fax Number: 978-794-7546
Website: www.esmv.org
Name of Program: Montachusett Home Care Corporation
680 Mechanic Street
Suite 120
Leominster, MA 01453
Phone Number: 978-537-7411
Fax Number: 978-537-9843
Website: www.montachusetthomecare.com/
Name of Program: Greater Lynn Senior Services, Inc.
8 Silsbee Street
Lynn, MA 01901
Phone Number: 781-599-0110
Fax Number: 781-477-9631
Website: www.glss.net
Name of Program: Mystic Valley Elder Services, Inc.
19 Riverview Business Park
300 Commercial Street
Maiden, MA 02148
Phone Number: 781-324-7705
Fax Number: 781-324-1396
Website: www.mves.org/
Name of Program: BayPath Elder Services, Inc.
33 Boston Post Road West
Marlboro, MA 01752
Phone Number: 800-287-7284
Fax Number: 508-573-7222
Website: www.baypath.org/
Name of Program: Coastline Elderly Services, Inc.
1646 Purchase Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Phone Number: 508-999-6400
Fax Number: 508-993-6510
Website: www.coastlineelderly.org/
Name of Program: Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc.
877 South Street, Suite 4E
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone Number: 413-499-0524
Fax Number: 413-442-6443
Website: www.esbci.org/
Name of Program: HESSCO Elder Services
1 Merchant Street
Suite 106
Sharon, MA 02067
Phone Number: 781-784-4944
Fax Number: 781-784-4922
Website: www.hessco.org/
Name of Program: Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services, Inc.
61 Medford Street
Somerville, MA 02143
Phone Number: 617-628-2601
Fax Number: 617-628-1085
Website: www.eldercare.org/
Name of Program: Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, Inc.
68 Route 134
South Dennis, MA 02660
Phone Number: 508-394-4630
Fax Number: 508-394-3712
Website: www.escci.org
Name of Program: Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc.
66 Industry Avenue
Springfield, MA 01104
Phone Number: 413-781-8806
Fax Number: 413-781-0632
Website: www.gsssi.org/
Name of Program: Franklin County Home Care
330 Montague City Road
Suite 1
Turners Falls, MA 01376
Phone Number: 413-773-5555
Fax Number: 413-772-1084
Website: www.fchcc.org/
Name of Program: Springwell
307 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 205
Waltham, MA 02452
Phone Number: 617-926-4100
Fax Number: 617-926-9897
Website: www.springwell.com/
Name of Program: Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc.
67 Millbrook Street
Worcester, MA 01606
Phone Number: 508-756-1545
Fax Number: 508-754-7771
Website: www.eswa.org
Name of Program: Family Service of Morris County, Inc.
Contact Name: Charlotte Wilson
Senior Cents Program
62 Elm Street
Morristown, NJ 07960
Phone Number: 973-538-5260 ext. 241
Email: cwilson@fsmc.org
Website: www.fsmc.org
Eligibility Requirements: We do not have an income requirement for clients, but all clients must be referred to our program through the NJ EASE system and have a care manager through NJ EASE. To access the NJ EASE system, a person can call 973-326-7282 and speak to the worker of the day. In order for a person to have care management through NJ EASE, the person must need additional services beyond money management.
Name of Program: Bill Payer Program, CSCS (Council of Senior Centers and Services of NYC, Inc.)
Contact Name: Amanda Leis
195 Montague St.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Email: aleis@cscs-ny.org
Website: www.cscs-ny.org/money_management/index.php
How to apply: contact Amanda Leis, Bill Payer Program Manager, Phone: 718 858-2360, Email: aleis@cscs-ny.org.
How Program Operates: “The CSCS Bill Payer Program assists low-income older adults and people with disabilities with the tasks of monthly bill paying. Screened, trained and supervised volunteers visit once or twice a month to help with organizing bills, preparing checks and balancing the checkbook. The program serves Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx, wherever a volunteer is available. The Bill Payer Program is operated by Council of Senior Centers and Services of NYC, Inc. and is part of the AARP Foundation Money Management network.”
Name of Program: Financial Management Assistance Program (Lifespan of Greater Rochester Inc.)
Contact Name: Gabriel Geiger
1900 S. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
Email: ggeiger@lifespan-roch.org
Website: www.lifespan-roch.org/financial-management.htm
How to apply: contact Gabriel Geiger, Director of Financial Services, Email: ggeiger@lifespan-roch.org
How Program Operates: The Financial Management Assistance Program assists low-income older adults, age 60 and older with bill paying. Screened, trained and supervised volunteers visit monthly to help with budgeting, preparing checks, balancing the checkbook and working with creditors. The program serves County of Monroe, New York. The Financial Management Assistance Program is operated by Lifespan of Greater Rochester Inc. which is partially funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging, the Monroe County Office for the Aging and the United Way of Greater Rochester.
Name of Program: Senior Financial Care® (SFC®)
Contact Name: Debbie Hall, Program Director
8064 Northpoint Boulevard, Suite 204
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Phone Number: 336-896-1328
Website: www.seniorfinancialcare.org
Eligibility Requirements: Cost of Services are determined on a sliding fee scale based on income, however, no one is denied services due to an inability to pay.
Information on Program: Senior Financial Care® (SFC®) is a community service that provides counseling and assistance in personal expense management to adults age 60 and older who have difficulty managing their finances and are unable to meet their financial obligations in a timely manner. The goal of SFC® is to help seniors maintain control over their finances and continue to live independently.
Name of Program: Senior & Disabled Services/LCOG-Oregon Money Management Program
Contact Name: Dana Doney
1015 Willamette Street
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone Number: 541-682-4177
Fax Number: 541-342-3853
Email: ddoney@lcog.org
Website: http://www.lcog.org/719/Oregon-Money-Management-Program
Promotional Video: https://vimeo.com/127092936
Name of Program: UCAN Josephine County MMP
Contact Name: Kathie Saunders
133 NW D Street
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Phone Number: 541-956-4473
Fax Number: 541-956-4480
Email: kathie.saunders@ucancap.org
Name of Program: CCCS of Southern Oregon
Contact Name: Greg Jones
820 Crater Lake Avenue
Suite 202
Medford, OR 97504
Phone Number: 541-779-2273
Fax Number: 541-779-6412
Email: jonesg@cccsso.org
Website: www.cccsso.org/
Name of Program: Clackamas County Social Services
Contact Name: Shari Bandes
P.O. Box 2260
2051 Kaen Rd, 1st floor
Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone Number: 503-655-8873
Fax Number: 503-650-5722
Email: sbandes@co.clackamas.or.us
Website: www.co.clackamas.or.us/socialservices/involved/volun/volfinan.htm
Name of Program: Impact Northwest
Contact Name: Bethany Wofford
4610 SE Belmont
Portland, OR 97215
Phone Number: 503-988-3660
Email: bwofford@impactnw.org
Website: www.impactnw.org/
Name of Program: UCAN of Douglas County Money Management Program
Contact Name: Rina Bengtsson
280 Kenneth Ford Dr.
Roseburg, OR 97470
Phone Number: 800-556-6020
Email: rina.bengtsson@ucancap.org
Name of Program: Mid-Columbia Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging
Contact Name: Connie Karp
1113 Kelly Avenue
The Dalles, OR 97058
Phone Number: 541-298-4101 x 202
Fax Number: 541-298-2084
Email: connie.karp@mccog.com
Eligibility Requirements for Oregon: The Oregon Money Management Program offers free support to people with limited incomes who need help with money management tasks. Services are provided by trained and supervised volunteers who work one-on-one with individuals through three core services: Money Coach, Bill Payer, and Representative Payee.
Money Coach
Developed by and offered through Easter Seals Oregon, Money Coach volunteers provides one-on-one financial mentoring. This program helps people with low-to-moderate incomes learn how to improve their current financial status and plan for future needs. Money Coach is a short-term educational service that covers the basics: budgeting, spending, and goal setting.
Bill Payer Service
Developed by AARP and offered through local program sponsors, Bill Payer volunteers provide one-on-one assistance to individuals who remain in control of their finances but need ongoing help to keep on track. This service is offered to individuals with limited income and assets.
Representative Payee Service
Developed by AARP and offered through local program sponsors, Representative Payee volunteers provide one-on-one assistance to individuals who do not have the capacity to manage their federal benefits such as Social Security, SSA Disability, Veteran’s, and Railroad Retirement. Volunteers manage these federal benefits on behalf of the individual ensuring that basic needs are met and funds are protected. Service is offered to individuals with limited income and assets.
Contact the agencies above for assistance.
Name of Program: Northern Virginia Family Service
Contact Name: Cecilia Revilla
c/o Culpepper Gardens
4435 North Pershing Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
Phone Number: 703-276-2309
Email: crevilla@nvfs.org
Website: www.nvfs.org
MMP services include bill paying, budgeting and financial literacy. Our goal is to help older people maintain their independence. The program targets seniors who in the greatest economic and social need. Services are offered on a sliding fee basis to residents of Arlington County.
Name of Program: Senior Services of Alexandria
Contact Name: Mary Lee Anderson
700 Princess Street
Mezzanine Level
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone Number: 703-836-4414 X13
Email: resourcecenter@seniorservicesalex.org
Website: www.seniorservicesalex.org
Senior Services of Alexandria’s Daily Money Management Service helps Alexandria’s seniors and residents with disabilities to maintain their independence through better management of their finances. Fees are on a sliding scale based on income.
Name of Program: Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers
Contact Name: Denise Forgione
Money Management Program
24 Loudoun Street, SW
Leesburg, VA 20175
Phone Number: 703-779-8617
Email: LVCCaregivers@LVCcaregivers.org
Website: www.LVCaregivers.org
The LVC program is offered as part of the AARP Foundation’s Money Management Program. Care receivers must meet current income and asset requirements established by the AARP Foundation and live in Loudoun County. LVC offers other programs for residents to Loudoun County, VA.
Name of Program: Shepherds Center of Oakton/Vienna
Contact Name: Jane Young
541 Marshall Rd, SW
Vienna, VA. 22180
Phone Number: 703-281-0538
Website: www.scov.org
Shepherds Center offers money management services to residents of Oakton and Vienna, Virginia over 50 years of age without any eligibility requirements. The Shepherds Center offers other programs for residents of Oakton and Vienna, VA.