When you think of your financial portfolio, your emergency fund probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. You’re more likely picturing your investments, retirement accounts, and that hot stock tip you’re hoping will pay off. But the truth is, your...
This is the time of year when we dream about sailing through the Caribbean or island hopping on a cruise ship. So, what’s stopping us? The tax filing deadline for one. Now that last year is over we are faced with the overwhelming task of gathering information needed...
Many students are not educated on credit card use, managing spending and debt. What tips do you have for new credit card holders or parents looking to teach their students how to properly use a credit card? Student credit cards are great tools for your everyday...
Bellefonte, PA – The American Association of Daily Money Managers (AADMM) has announced the members of its 2021 board of directors. They are: President: Alison Salisbury, CDMM®, Fiscally Fit, Inc., Los Altos, CA Vice President: Robyn Young, CDMM®, Money Care, LLC,...
Barbara’s book is about navigating and embracing the challenges that women, especially Black women, often experience in midlife. From 50 to Fabulous encourages women to take time to reflect, reconnect, and redirect their energies into creating a life full of joy and...