When you think of your financial portfolio, your emergency fund probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. You’re more likely picturing your investments, retirement accounts, and that hot stock tip you’re hoping will pay off. But the truth is, your...
Check writing has some pitfalls It used to be that check writing was a way of life. It was the only way to pay bills or send money to a grandchild for their birthday. In 2022, FinCen, a unit of the U.S. Treasury Department reported a whopping 84% increase in check...
Every year, thousands of older adults fall victim to scams. According to a 2023 report by the AARP, almost $30 billion is stolen annually from Americans over age 60, including by scammers and “trusted” family or caregivers. Despite widespread awareness of this issue,...
A Summer is often a time for vacations and relaxed schedules, longer days with family barbecues and carefree gatherings. It can also be a time when we let down our guard and are not as vigilant with overseeing our credit card statements or bank account balances. ...
August is usually when people enjoy well-deserved vacations and time away from school and work. Many look forward to this month as a time to relax and recharge before returning to their usual September schedules. Taking time off from one’s regular routine is good for...