Keeping track of your money can often feel like a separate career. It is easy to go from dedicating a few hours a month paying bills as you start your career to a much longer process as your assets and family grow. A Daily Money Manager (DMM) can help. DMMs are...
By Elizabeth Edwards In an era of increasing financial complexity, managing personal finances can become overwhelming for many individuals. Enter the daily money manager (DMM), a professional service that offers invaluable assistance in organizing and overseeing...
We are coming to the end of that time of year when you have exhausted yourself preparing to send information to your tax preparer. Tax time doesn’t have to be a downer although can be a stressful and overwhelming period for many individuals. With numerous documents to...
Recently I was asked to serve as a guest expert by a wealth management firm with offices in Vermont, upstate New York, and Florida. This group of investment advisors and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™ hosts a monthly online video Lakeside Chat for community members and...
Yahoo Now –The holidays are a time when far-flung relatives get a chance to reconnect, especially after the disruptions that the COVID-19 pandemic created during the past two years. Family members visiting elderly relatives can use the occasion to keep an eye out to...