May is a great month to review your personal finances. This is especially relevant in 2021 because due to IRS changes, the new deadline for submitting your taxes is May 17th National Financial Literacy was celebrated throughout the month of April and provided many...
For some reason, there’s a common misconception that budgeting and daily money management are only for people living paycheck-to-paycheck or young people just starting out. The truth is, you’re never too wealthy to budget. When we get financially comfortable and let...
One television commercial that has been around awhile has an actor ask the question “What’s in your wallet?” referring to a specific credit card. For this month’s Financial Tip, the question is “What’s in your credit report?” August is usually a time when people enjoy...
With the novel coronavirus spreading rapidly across our country, most of us are thinking about how to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Add to this the misinformation readily available on the internet and in social media, and we have a ripe opportunity for...
Financial abuse of elders is a serious problem in today’s world. The financial exploitation of older adults has exploded in recent years and it’s important that we become more vigilant in protecting vulnerable individuals from becoming potential victims. But what...