Across the world, people are facing decisions they’ve never encountered before. Economists are contradicting each other, many businesses are struggling, and people are beginning to revise their budgets. It’s at times like these when people who provide services to others, such as DMMs, are most valuable. Here are some ways that you can reach out to your clients and demonstrate that you are an invaluable part of their professional teams.
Make it Personal
Right now, many people are feeling isolated. Even if they are sharing their homes with family members, your clients may be feeling lonely, missing their old routines, social lives, and activities. A simple call from you to check in may be the friendly voice that they need that day.
Discuss the Budget
Gasoline expenses may be way down, and grocery expenses are probably way up! Maybe income is substantially lower than projected. You can offer to take a look at your client’s budget to help prepare for what may come, helping your client manage the uncertainty of the situation.
Offer Resources
Do you work with older adults who are cautioned to avoid grocery stores, pharmacies, and other necessary places? Seniors often don’t know about resources like Instacart, Task Rabbit, GrubHub, and other apps/resources that can make life easier for them. They may not even know that you can often now call the pharmacy to ask them to have an over-the-counter medication available at the drive-through. Suggestions like these may be just the thing to make your client’s life easier and healthier.
Help with Difficult Conversations
Some people freely and frequently have end-of-life conversations with loved ones, but for many, it’s a difficult topic to address. DMMs are in a great position to help people process their thoughts, and could even offer to create a “life transition plan” to present to their families. Through phone or video calls, DMMs can ask questions, and produce a binder or flash drive with the resulting plan.
For more suggestions of ways to help serve your clients and discuss the uncertainty of this year, visit AADMM’s member forums.