November is National Long-Term Care Awareness Month, and Thanksgiving is a good time to get your friends and family to think about long-term care. If you’re planning to spend time with aging parents and relatives during the holiday season, that can be a great time to...
Twenty years ago, Natalie Stanger started a company to “help seniors do the things they could no longer do or didn’t want to do,” and it’s kept her busy ever since. Natalie talks about how she got into the world of geriatrics and found her niche as a Daily...
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Many adult children serve as financial helpers to their elderly or ill parents. They provide services like paying bills, handling deposits and investments, filing insurance claims, preparing taxes and more. If you believe your parent...
If you’re overwhelmed by managing your day-to-day finances or fear forgetting to pay bills and sinking further in debt, consider hiring a daily money manager. In addition to tracking bills, daily money managers can help you with balancing your checkbook, collecting...
Sound fiscal stewardship is key for older investors just as the stakes get highest for their nest egg. THE INTERNET AND mutual funds have given investors knowledge and independence previous generations might never have imagined. But many, perhaps most, continue to...