May is a great month to review your personal finances. This is especially relevant in 2021 because due to IRS changes, the new deadline for submitting your taxes is May 17th National Financial Literacy was celebrated throughout the month of April and provided many...
Since COVID started, we have all had to make changes to our daily routines. Tasks that we used to do without a second thought now take extra planning and preparation … When is the best time to go to the grocery store? Do I have my mask? Do I have my hand sanitizer? Do...
When we first moved here, my husband and I attended a neighborhood picnic in our newly adopted community here in southern Oregon. While getting to know our neighbors in this semi-rural valley outside of town was great fun, the real highlight – and indeed a truly...
Have a place for important papers Daily money managers help consumers manage their monthly expenses and handle their bills all the time, says Barbara Boustead, a board member of the American Association of Daily Money Managers. One of the first things Boustead...
1. Sort Mail as Soon as it Arrives • Toss junk mail. • Shred sensitive documents. • Separate out bills and keep them all in one place, such as in basket or tray. • File away any documents that you need to keep. 2. Create A Filing System • Use a filing cabinet or...