Many students are not educated on credit card use, managing spending and debt. What tips do you have for new credit card holders or parents looking to teach their students how to properly use a credit card? Student credit cards are great tools for your everyday...
Wow, there is nothing like the experience of a great concert. Whether it’s your favorite band, a symphony orchestra, a wonderful choir, or just a jam session. Hearing a group of people work together in harmony just feels right. I sing with a Big Band. There are 18...
Paula K. Canaday-Daeke, Daily Money Manager, writes about early signs of cognitive impairment and how to protect clients and their financial assets while navigating this new chapter of their life. Paula K. Canaday-Daeke is a daily money manager (DMM) and the...
How might you go about selecting someone to trust to help manage your money if financial decisions become too difficult for you in the future? Well, researchers from the Stanford Center on Longevity and the University of Minnesota have just made answering that...
Maureen A. Wendt is president and CEO of The Dale Association, a non-profit organization that provides senior, mental health, in-home care, caregiver support services and enrichment activities for adults. There are things you can do to help protect yourself from abuse...