Many DMMs who work with business owners and entrepreneurs are an invaluable resource for these clients throughout the year. This month, we will share the importance of client appreciation and include some suggestions on ways you can model how businesses can demonstrate their appreciation.
Thanking your clients
In this season of thanks, a traditional thank you note to your clients shows your appreciation. Do your clients know you appreciate them? According to SuperOffice.com 68% of customers leave because they believe the business does not care about them.
Writing thank you letters to clients is a powerful expression of gratitude. Here are a few steps to writing thank you letters.
- Use the correct greeting, including preferred pronouns.
- Include an expression of gratitude for their business.
- Include specific details if appropriate.
- Say thank you again.
- Use an appropriate closing.
- Sign your letter.
A thank you letter should not be used as an opportunity to get your customers to spend more money. Nothing makes a letter from a company (masquerading as a thank you letter) seem more insincere than immediately asking the recipient to buy something.
Here are a few timely tips to discuss with your clients in November.
Medicare Enrollment Deadlines
The Fall Medicare Open Enrollment lets you make changes to your Medicare coverage. This includes enrolling in Medicare Advantage, switching Medicare Advantage plans, returning to Original Medicare from Medicare Advantage. The main Medicare Open Enrollment Period for both Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage happens annually from October 15 to December 7. Source: https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/medicare/enrollment-all/medicare-open-enrollment
Year End Retirement Planning
Source U.S. News & World Report https://money.usnews.com/money/retirement/401ks/articles/year-end-retirement-planning-deadlines
- Contribute to 401k plans by December 31
- Take coronavirus expense withdraws by the end of the year. Retirement savers can withdraw up to $100,000 from a 401(k) or IRA to pay for coronavirus expenses until Dec. 31, 2020, without having to pay the usual 10% early withdrawal penalty.
- Donate your IRA distribution to charity
- Qualify for the Savers Credit
- More time for IRA contributions
- RMDs: There are changes this year. Distributions normally must be taken by December 31 each year after age 72. Provisions of the CARES Act lets those who don’t need the funds to skip their 2020 required minimum distribution.
The SECURE Act was signed into law on December 20, 2019. The far-reaching bill includes significant provisions aimed at increasing access to tax-advantaged accounts and preventing older Americans from outliving their assets. The SECURE Act tweaks a number of rules related to tax-advantaged retirement accounts. Source: https://www.investopedia.com/what-is-secure-act-how-affect-retirement-4692743
- Provides tax incentives for new plan creation and adoption of automatic enrollment
- Provides flexibility for safe harbor non-elective plan designs
- Allows for new birth or adoption withdraws
- Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) age increased
- Increased Qualified Automatic Contribution Agreement (QACA)
- Expands coverage to long-term, part-time workers
- Lifetime income disclosure
- Increased penalties, including Form 5500