AADMM member Paula K. Canaday-Daeke, is the guest speaker this week for the Center for Financial Social work on “Is there such a thing as a COVID-19 Budget?”
Nearly half (43%) of Americans consider themselves financially insecure and doubt their circumstances will ever improve. They need help and hope to begin to understand their money problems don’t have to control their lives, keep them up at night, ruin their relationships, cause physical, mental, and emotional problems.
Attend this training to learn how a budget is a living document and may be adjusted to the fluidity of life. Helping clients adapt their budgets to their lives gives them control of their money instead of the out of control feelings that accompany financial problems and debt.
Register for this free Webinar at https://financialsocialwork.com/webinar/is-there-such-a-thing-as-a-covid-19-budget
When: Thursday, July 9 at 2:00 PM EDT.
Cost: Free